A couple of us, biographies aficionados, got really excited when we heard about Keith Richards' book coming out.
I didn't finish it yet but I already can say that it's way above most of the mediocre stuff that come out these days (Ozzy and Nikki Sixx give me my money back) and it is for once pretty well written.
Hope it will join the pantheon soon:

"Her name was Bullwinkle. We called her that because she had a face like a moose. But Tommy, even though be could get any girl he wanted on the Sunset Strip, would not break up with her. He loved her and wanted to marry her, he kept telling us, because she could spray her cum across the room.”

The pioneer in hotel rooms destruction whose life seemed to be a neverending joke.
It's also a great read about the scene in London in the 60's.
Check Townsend's anecdote from 0.55 in this video:

"On one of these benders I ran out of drugs at four-thirty in the morning. At that point in time, I wasn't dialed in to ATM technology; when I needed money, I'd go to a bank and take out a chunk of money on a credit card, or I'd visit an American Express office, where I could take out as much as ten thousand dollars at a shot. But for now I had no money, no stuff, and was in a frenzy to get high.
What I did have was a beautiful white Stratocaster guitar signed by all of the Rolling Stones. Tommy Mottola had given it to me when he was trying to sign the Chili Peppers to Sony/Epic."
"My big awakening happened when I was fourteen. I'd been trying to get into this older girl's pants for a while, and she finally let me come over to her house. We hung out, smoked some pot and listened to Aerosmith's Rocks. It hit me like a fucking ton of bricks. I sat there listening to it over and over, and totally blew off this girl. I remember riding my bike back to my grandma's house knowing that my life had changed. Now I identified with something.”

"My earliest memory is shouting: at what and for what reason, I don't know. Probably a tantrum; or I may have been rehearsing. I was always an early starter.
My father was not pleased. I suppose you could say me and my father didn't hit it off - he left three months later. Perhaps it was the hair falling out; perhaps he thought I was already taking after him."

“In the Bible, the word Antichrist is only used as a description of people who don’t believe in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. He is not described as one satanic entity – as the beast of Revelation which many people believe – but as a person, any person, who deviates from the Christian orthodoxy. But through years of myth-making and fear sowing, Christianity metamorphosed antichrists into a single Antichrist, an apocalyptic villain and bogeyman used to scare people as much as Santa Claus is used to regulate children’s behavior. After years of studying the concept, I began to realize that the Antichrist is a character – a metaphor … The apocalypse doesn’t have to be fire and brimstone. It could happen on a personal level. If you believe you’re the center of your own universe and you want to see the universe destroyed, it only takes one bullet.”
(these are only the few ones that i can think of right now, please tell me which ones i forgot!)
Très beau travail journalistique, bravo mon Loulou. Vive Toi !