Enter the world of a man who "prefers Jayne Mansfield to Marilyn Monroe, the Three Stooges to Chaplin, and Alvin and the Chipmunks to the Beatles"
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"I've always been pretty up-front about my sexuality (even though Mink Stole today says she didn't even know I was gay for a long time), but I understand Hollywood royalty's reticence about revealing anything personal, hetero or homo. Gus Van Sant and I always joke about the press saying we are 'openly' gay. What's that supposed to mean? It sounds like we're arriving at a premiere shrieking, 'Hey, Mary! Got any Judy Garland records?' "
About Rei Kawakubo "the genius fashion dictator who specializes in clothes that are torn, crooked, permanently wrinkled, ill-fitting, and expensive.":
"Fashion is very important to me. My 'look' for the last twenty years or so has been 'disaster at the dry cleaners.' I shop in reverse. When I can afford to buy a new outfit, something has to be wrong with it. Purposely wrong."
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